It doesn’t matter how durable your ring is, there’s always a risk of damage. Just by taking a few sensible precautions it’s possible to ensure the longevity of your pride and joy.
It goes without saying that you ought to remove your rings and put them somewhere safe if you’re taking part in any sport more strenuous than bridge but the same goes for gardening and baking too. It’s easy to forget that precious metals aren’t indestructible. They suffer under the wrong kind of knock and are susceptible to latent acids.
Also worth remembering is the fact that diamonds are natural attracters of grease, especially those found in hand creams and other moisturisers.
If you do need to clean your jewellery there are a couple of easy stages that guarantee the best results. Firstly, use a soft-bristled toothbrush and warm water to remove any surface grease. Secondly, go over the piece with a Dazzle-Stik to bring it back up to showroom standard (if you’re unsure, a member of staff will demonstrate the technique instore).
Finally, at Temprell, we like to see our jewellery every 12 months to check its integrity and to review the setting security. After all, prevention is better than cure.